samedi, octobre 14, 2006

I'm back online!

Hey all!
seems like I'm back online! Since this blog started when I was in BC, writting for my french Qc friend, I decieded to keep it has it is, same title, same old stories, to which will be added frequently new episodes of my life!
Writting in french or English.. hum.... well, seems like English it is.. So my friends in BC can keep track of me, so I can practice my English, and so my friend in Qc can practice theirs.
Hope you like it!
Special of the day (like at the bakery): Articles to read!!!
Yeah! since I left BC, I was fool enough to start a Ph.D in biochemistry. I now study Diabetes! And I have one course to take: Please Emilie, read 4 articles every 2 week, be prepared to be able to present all 4 as if it was a journal club, but at the last minute, you'll have only one to present!
Anyway, my first class is monday (the 16th) and I'm going crazy trying to sit down at home while it is so nice and beautiful outside... And Hugo (my boyfriend, for the newbies), went hunting for the weekend! Outside for 3 days!!! Gives me some peacefull time alone at home, though!
Allright!, Got to go! Soon, you'll see picture from my last trip to Mt Washington!!!
And I'm going to Boston early November!! Can't wait!!!!
Have fun out there! It is +4oC outside this morning!

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